Friday, 23 January 2009

Web 2.0 and me

So I have dived in, taken on the whole Web 2.o thing. My Facebook status is updated by my Twitter account, Mapmyfitness updates my Twitter account and I can manage everything from my Mac, my email account, my iPhone.

I have a presence (in fact more than one but on to that later), consisting of a microblog, a social network, a work network, a video store and this, my place, my place to procrastinate, and it all just works. I do have to choose one more item though, somewhere to keep my pictures.

So far I have toyed with flickr and Picasa, flickr seems a little stark, Picasa is interesting now there is more Mac integration and it does work with blogger. My over riding problem is I don't really know what I want to do with my pictures, is it somewhere to everything? well that is going to cost at the current rate of 2,500 pictures each year, or is it somewhere to show off, in which case I can post stuff here? What to do, what to do...

Everyday at work I complain about poorly defined requirements and yet I am that man, not really deciding what I want, asking for something and wanting to pay for nothing. Luckily as I have made this rod for my own back I will just carry on and do nothing until I know what I really really want...

UPDATE: UK Twitter use explodes by 10 times (see it's not just me)

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