Wednesday 6 May 2009

Twitter things that bug me... (2)

So straight into the second thing that bugs me, people advertising at me on twitter, initially it was MLM people, which means it is not forgivable but it is expected. I'd follow someone, they seem cool, and then you get suggestions for cheap hosting or some other 140 char advert. Do these people drop adverts into normal conversation? I guess they would if they thought they could get a micro payment on every mention.

Now I have no problem with explicit advertising, I follow the local thai restaurant and also the local deli, I know they are going to mention their produce, in fact I expect it, but when someone who has been witty and follow worthy suddenly suggests 'Kane's latest workout tape $3.99' with a link, well, they get the big unfollow, I hope the read this and I hope they unfollow me... shame on them, and I suggest you do the same, for me it is the same as this -

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